
Tianyu Liu

Alibaba Group
tianyu0421 (at) alibaba-inc (dot) com

Short Biography

Tianyu Liu is now a researcher at Alibaba’s Qwen Team (Beijing), working on the foundational Large Language Models (LLMs). He was a senior researcher at Tencent Cloud AI and contributed to the development of HuyuanAide (Tencent’s proprietary LLM series). Tianyu earned his PhD degree at Peking University in 2021 where he was advised by Zhifang Sui and Baobao Chang. During his PhD, he had wonderful experiences interning at or visiting Microsoft Research (Beijing and Redmond) and Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC).

Before the waves of LLMs, his research experiences cover Natural Language Generation (e.g. data-to-text, summarization, free-form text, stories), Information Extraction (e.g. relation extraction, knowledge base population) and Robustness of NLP models. Begining from 2021, his research interests switch to the pretraining and alignment of large language models (e.g. code, reasoning, cross-modal, agent/tool-using, etc.).


Publications [Google Scholar][DBLP]

* indicates equal contribution


Peer-reviewed Papers


Honors and Awards
